The Casebooks of Octavius Bear
Alternative Universe Mysteries for Adult Animal Lovers.
Suppose the Consulting Detective was a Bear! Here's what happened.
About 100,000 years ago, a colossal solar flare blasted out from our Sun, creating gigantic magnetic storms here on Earth. These highly charged electrical tempests caused startling physical and psychological imbalances in the then population of our world. The complete nervous systems of some species were totally destroyed.
Homo Sapiens lost all mental and motor capabilities and rapidly became extinct. Less developed species exposed to the radiation were affected differently. Four-footed and finned mammals, birds, and reptiles suddenly found themselves capable of complex thought, enhanced emotions, self and social awareness, and the ability to communicate, sometimes orally, sometimes telepathically, often both. Speech production and perception progressed with the evolution of tongues, lips, vocal cords, and enhanced ear- to- brain connections. Many species developed opposable digits, fingers or claws, further accelerating civilized progress. Some others (most fish and underground dwellers) were shielded from the radiation and remained only as sentient as they were before the blast. Say Hello to Octavius and friends.
The Casebooks of Octavius Bear

The Open and Shut Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume One - A Rare Sapphire is stolen by a Mad Scientist Duck. Octavius and his team are on the case!
Octavius Bear, a 9 foot Tall Kodiak genius and giga-billionaire owner of Universal Ursine Industries (UUI) is our crime fighting hero. Maury Meerkat, 2 feet tall is his sidekick and narrator of the Casebook Stories. Meet Chita, Frau Schuylkill, Bad Guy Imperius Drake, Bigg Baboon and others.
"Entirely new and entirely familiar. A very enjoyable place to lose yourself."

The Case of the Spotted Band - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume Two - Evil Doings in Brazil and Ohio. Octavius and Bearoness Belinda Marry
Villains Imperius Drake and Bigg Baboon discover an animal who will become a major hero in our series - Hairy Otter (Otto the Magnificent.) Chita reappears in Brazil as part of a rock band. Octavius and L. Condor encounter international racketeer Pontius Puma in Rio. Inspector Bruce Wallaroo from Australia makes his first of many appearances. The story ends at Octavius opulent mansion and headquarters -The Bear's Lair in Cincinatti. The beat goes on!
"Who needs Homo Sapiens? Nothing quite like the Casebooks!"

The Case of Scotch - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 3 - Welcome to Bearoness Belinda's Bearmoral Castle
Oil Rigs are appearing, disappearing and moving around in the North Sea. Chita owns one of the rigs and arrives to investigate. Mysterious and murderous events are taking place at the Bearoness' castle. Belinda's in-laws are big problems. We meet the Prince of Whales and members of Shetland Yard. Octavius and crew confront the killer at the Edinbeargh Opera House.
"Potential to be Sherlock Holmes-inspired Classics."

The Lower Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 4 - Murders in Winnipeg - Death of a Heifer
After a triumphant singing debut at the Edinbeargh Opera, polaratura Bearnice Blanc and her baritone partner, Leperello, arrive at Winnipeg to begin their North American tour. With them is Maury Meerkat, Octavius Bear’s sidekick and Bearnice’s twin sister Bearyl, a budding actress. Unfortunately, so is Honoria Heifer, a preposterously bad voice coach. The cow appears on a TV chat show, claiming that the singers are light on talent and skill and that she, Honoria, has been totally responsible for their current popularity. Bearnice and Lepi are enraged. Next morning, Honoria is found dead outside the TV station. The singers are the number one suspects. Enter Octavius and his entourage to assist the Royal Canadian Unmounted Police in finding the real culprits. Another murder, this time of an Arctic Fox, the personal assistant to the TV station manager, livens (deadens?) things up even further. Are the crimes connected? It seems so but how and why? With a host of potential suspects both at the Opera and the TV station, the plot definitely thickens. Alternate universes play a major role in this volume.
"A well-written romp"

The Curse of the Mummy's Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 5 - Octavius fights Imperius Drake in Egypt
After a two volume absence, the mad duck, Imperius Drake, and his dumb heavy subordinate, Bigg Baboon return with a vengeance (literally.) Set on conquest of the cosmos, the duck has hatched (sorry) a plot to revivify a savage ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, Tsk VI and his ghost armies of crocodiles and lions. He plans to clone them and use them to overcome his enemies, real and imagined. Many new characters appear but most important are Octavius’ and Belinda’s twin cubs, Arabella and McTavish. (Yes, a Polar and Kodiak can have offspring.) You may remember that the “on again-off again” lovers were married offstage in Book Two.
"Laughs and smiles for every reader who relaxes, doesn't rush, and thoroughly enjoys this wild ride."

The Attaché Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 6 - Death in a Washington Embassy
Never known for his diplomacy, Octavius and his team are called upon to investigate the violent death of an Impala, the Commercial Attaché for an African embassy in Washington DC. Was he killed or was it an accident? That is the question! As usual, complications arise. Was the Impala engaged in illicit activities leading to his death? If so, who did him in? Bearoness Belinda and the Cubs arrive with Octavius on a very expensive and exclusive helicopter for a tour of “Washing-Tub” but soon uncover some very interesting evidence bearing on the case. Chita makes another cameo appearance via Skype. Is the Ambassador, a mysterious Rhino, hiding something? All of these questions and more unravel leading to a rather unusual conclusion. The Great Bear is involved once again in international intrigue.
"Just the ticket for mystery fans who think they've read it all."

The Suit Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 7 - Is the Great Bear a Murderer?
“Can it be true? Is Octavius Bear actually accused of murder? When Professor Hercules Ovibos, an extortionate fraud pursuing a law suit against Octavius, is found floating in the Detroit River, evidence seems to point to the Great Bear. Is this a frame-up? His team immediately joins forces to get him off the hook. Meanwhile, Howard Watt and Marlin are leading a group of scientists in a Quantum Physics experiment to create “electron tangling” between alternative worlds. All does not go well. Other new characters: The nasty inhabitants of Biosphere X (Home World) And please welcome Ursula – Universal Ursine Intellect Model 6 – Artificial General Intelligence System (AGI). She’s in for the long haul. The Cubs, Belinda, Mlle Woof, Chita, L. Condor, Marlin, Otto, The Wolves, Flying Tigers and of course, Maury are all back along with an additional cast of characters. Ain’t science fun?”
"Absolutely delightful. It so lends itself to cinematic treatment."

The Crank Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 8 - Murderous Pranks at Bearoness Belinda's Bearmoral Castle
Christmas at the lavish Polar Paradise resort in the Shetlands, home of Bearoness Belinda Béarnaise Bruin Bear (nee Black); wife of Octavius Bear and mother of twin Cubs Arabella and McTavish. The entire Octavian team is on board including the Artificial Intelligence System Ursula 7. The hotel is packed. It’s a time for friendship and peaceful reflection as well as jubilant and spontaneous fun and enjoyment.
Unfortunately, it’s also a time for destructive and murderous pranks by characters calling themselves the Cranks, bent on damage, injury and death for the holidays. Who are they? What are they up to and why? Octavius, his team, friends and the police all seek to find out and put a stop to it while the holiday festivities carry on.
"If you love whimsy, intrigue and mystery, this tongue-in-cheek epic will keep you entertained from cover to cover."

The Basket Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 9 - Killer on the Court
Sedentary by nature, Octavius Bear is not a big Sports fan. So, it is a bit out of character for him to pack his investigative team plus the Cubs and their governess onto the luxurious Ursa Minor helicopter and head for New York City. His assignment: investigate the killing of Ozzie Ostrich, a professional basketball player. The NY Giraffe’s Head Coach, an old schoolmate of the Great Bear, wants him to clear his top performer’s name and if possible, find the true killer. The Octavians get tangled up with professional gamblers, personal rivalries and even love interests. Once again, the detectives include Chita and the near-miraculous Ursula 8. The Cubs have a spectacular time in the Big Apple. New York will never be the same. Oh yes, The real killer is discovered.
"This is one of the cleverest, most entertaining books I have ever read."

The Camera Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 10 - A Fatal Movie at Polar Paradise
Preston Pavel Polar is back with a full scale movie crew to shoot another epic at Polar Paradise. Things seem to be going smoothly until a polar ingenue takes a fatal dive from her balcony into the ocean. How did she die? Why did she die? Octavus and Maury are joined by consulting detective Fetlock Holmes. Inspector Nigel Wardlaw of Shetland Yard and Chief Inspector Bruce Wallaroo. Belinda, Cubs and the Octavians are on hand to move the action.
"Mr. DeMaio's brilliantly drawn characters will stay with you long after the book is read."

The Wurst Case Scenario - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 11 - Artificial Meat and Murder
Doctor Llewellyn Llama, Director of P&P, the Pharm and Pharma Division of Octavius Bear’s Universal Ursine Industries (UUI) is found dead in his hotel room in Washington DC. How did he die? Why did he die? Unknown!
He was there to consult with the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration about P&P’s work on ‘cultured meat’ - one of its most controversial projects. More news! General Turmoil, Director of the Business, a clandestine Multiverse Agency is missing from his office in Washington. Interplanetary foul play or covert activity on the Business’ part? Octavius and Maury swing into action to solve the mysteries. All the Octavians are on hand to move things along. Join us. Have a sandwich while you’re at it.
"This is possibly one of the greatest Sherlock Holmes spoofs of all time!"

The Nut Case - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 12 - Does Octavius have a Doppelgänger?
Does Octavius have a doppelgänger? Could be! One who’s insisting that he is the Great Bear. The Octavians insist that he is a nut intent on creating chaos or worse. The plot gets much thicker. It seems the real target of this complex charade isn’t Octavius at all. It’s Howard, the porcupine genius who’s the world’s leading expert on alternate universe travel. And Admiral Tumult, a mad Zebra on an alternate planet, wants to capture him to enable his dastardly strategies for cosmic conquest. Otto the Magnificent is sent by Octavius to scuttle the Admiral’s plans. Little does the Zebra know how potent the little otter really is. Does romance rear its head? Well, maybe. Enter Priscilla, a very clever porcupine femme fatale who gets Howard’s spiky attention. Life gets curiouser and curiouser.
"Be prepared for lots of unexpected twists and turns in this rollicking comic mystery."

A Case of Deja Vu - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 13 - UUI's Chief Technical Officer Stages a Ransomware Attack
Has arch-villain Imperius Drake returned from the dead? Not likely but that’s what someone wants Octavius to believe, leaving tantalizing clues to that effect. Is history being replayed? Why? And what bizarre plot is UUI’s Chief Technical Officer cooking up over at the Deep Data Hexagon? Some new characters join up with the Octavians as dirty doings unfold. The Great Bear is once again a target. Adding to the confusion, Ursula Twelve has disappeared. Events develop at break neck pace and alternate universes are front and center. Welcome aboard!
"This book is aimed at "adult animal lovers," but I'd say it will appeal to all teens, lovers of mysteries and aficionados of alternative universe stories."

The Case of Cosmic Chaos - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 14 - Where is Caleb Cassowary? Check GPS!
Has extortionist extraordinaire Caleb Cassowary gone off the grid? Not hardly! He and his assistant Byzantia Bonobo escaped from Earth and landed on Biosphere X and Exoplanet Gaea, respectively. Caleb has persuaded the leaders of the Biosphere (Home World) with his plans for interplanetary conquest. As a first step, he proposes to attack Earth where it is most vulnerable - GPS. Byzz has taken on a new career launching satellites on Gaea. The Cassowary once again calls on her for assistance. What happens next propels Octavius Bear and his associates into a whirlwind of galactic uproar. Watch this space, literally!
"Who knows how Harry DeMaio came up with all this, but who cares? It's a great read, so go with it now! Enjoy!"

A Case for the Birds - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 15 - Alternate Universe Warfare
Caleb Cassowary’s carcass is floating in near earth orbit, done in by his former assistant Byzz Bonobo. But the saga lingers on. Before succumbing, he set in motion a series of potential cyberattacks designed to wreak havoc on Earth and other planets as part of his plan for cosmic conquest. One of the less civilized exoplanets in the Milky Way is the one we refer to as Biosphere X – the Home World of a population of highly aggressive and paranoid birds. Earth has been attacked by them several times and has retaliated quite destructively. This volume relates the continual struggle. You will have ample opportunity to meet the villains, hiss and boo as you fly through these pages.
C’mon In! The Mayhem’s Fine! Oh, Surprise Ending. Don’t Read ahead!
"The book is filled with homages to Holmes and Watson, plus nods to the superpower universes we first grew to love as comic books and now blockbuster films."

The Cases Down Under- The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 16 - Off they go to OZ and The Great Barrier Reef
Bearoness Belinda suggests that she and Octavius retire. He can become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS. But old habits and interests die hard. They compromise on a test. A one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals. First stop – A trip to Australia joined by Chief Inspector Bruce Wallaroo and Private Detective Matilda Roo.
But a funny thing happens on their way around Oz. They’re involved in two murders, contract rigging, money laundering, petty violence, monsoons, an accident and several near misses. Was Bruce right when he asked, “You’re not really going to retire, are you? Leopards can’t change their spots and bears can’t shed their fur.” We’ll see!
"Sort of like the old Rowan and Martin Laugh In but a thousand times more sophisticated."

The Octavian Cases - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 17- Octavians Offworld
Bearoness Belinda’s suggestion that she and Octavius retire has produced some interesting results. Can he actually become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS? They agreed on a one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals.
More adventures in Volume 17. Belinda and the Twins make their first off world trips to several exoplanets where Otto is knighted for heroism. Meanwhile back on Earth, the Octavians get involved in defeating a major drug lord. Oh yes, Mlle Woof changes careers. Peace and quiet? Not Likely!

The Bear Faced Liar - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 18 - Octavians on a Cruise Ship Part 1 of 2
As we said in Volume 17, Bearoness Belinda’s suggestion that she and Octavius retire has produced some interesting results. Can he actually become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS? They agreed on a one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals. For their next trip, they set off on a Caribbean cruise on an ecologically advanced ship -The SS Solarwind; only to find more threats, malware, a death and Octavius' ne'er do well step-brother, Agrippa - The Bear Faced Liar. FBI Special Agent Badger is on the spot.

Bears at Sea - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 19 - Octavians on a Cruise Ship Part 2 of 2
Bearoness Belinda’s suggestion that she and Octavius retire has produced some unexpected results. Can he actually become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS? They agreed on a one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals. After trips to Australia and three exoplanets, in Volume 18, The Bear Faced Liar, they set off on a Caribbean cruise on an ecologically advanced ship - The SS Solarwind; This is Part 2 of that cruise with more threats, a murder, a fierce storm and a stolen diamond necklace. The twins are front and center.

The Case of the Polar Politician - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 20
Bearoness Belinda’s suggestion that she and Octavius retire has produced some interesting results. Can he actually become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS? They agreed on a one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals. Off they went to Australia and then three exoplanets in Multiverse Space. In Volumes 18 and 19, they set off on a Caribbean cruise on an ecologically advanced ship -The Solarwind; Now they are back and Belinda is ensconced in her suite at Polar Paradise. But who is this? Three polars appear claiming to be her father, his assistant and her brother.
Are they for real and what do they want? Her money, of course!!

End Games - The Casebooks of Octavius Bear Volume 21
Octavius Bear meets Sherlock Holmes and the Glamorous Ghost. Coming December 2024
Endgames! The closing moves in chess. While queens and pawns appear, this book is not about the board game. General Turmoil and Professor Moriarty threaten the universe and after early negotiations, Sherlock Holmes, Baroness Juliet and Octavius join forces and the villains get their comeuppance.
This book is the last volume in the Glamorous Ghost and Octavius Bear series. All the players are on the board. Join them in their adventures!
About the Characters
Octavius Bear and the Octavians